Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fire Safety Week!

We have learned lots of new and important fire safety information this week. We have practiced Stop Drop and Roll, we learned several new vocabulary words (Hydrant, Extinguisher, Detector, Alarm), how to use 911, we compared Hot and Cold things, and the children came up with words that start with F for fire! They have done so well this week! A police officer came to visit on Wednesday, our class was the BEST behaved out of 4! I was so proud of them! Don't forget we will be ending our fire safety unit at the Fire Station tomorrow! The children should have lots to tell you all tomorrow afternoon. We asked for everyone to wear a red shirt.
Jaden, Joseph, Wyatt, Miss Torrence and Noah

Riley reading our Firefighter Poem

Alexceya, Dajon, Kohlmin and Kamuela building fire trucks and tall buildings!

Kera standing next to the tall building they made!

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