Monday, March 5, 2012

What's Next!

Next week we will be talking about St. Patrick's Day! We will talk about Ireland and some of the Irish culture. We will be talking about potatoes, shamrocks, blarney stone, leprechauns, all things green, Ireland. We will look at the map to see how far away Ireland is, we will do some patterning and counting activities with shamrocks, we will make a blarney stone for luck, we will be playing lots of games with our shamrock letter cards, and so much more! An activity you could do at home is buy some Lucky Charms cereal and sort all the different shapes of cereal and marshmallows, then have a tasty snack with your child!

Things we've been up to!

We have been very busy the past few weeks! Here are some pictures to show you some of our activities!
Riley and Jan Carlos Playing dress up during centers.
Alexceya and Kynnedy playing Dress Up during center time too.

Kera and Zachary working with Legos

We made pancakes during our lesson for If you Give a Pig a Pancake. The children got ot help measure and stir!

They gave pancakes a thumbs up!

On a search for animals in the hallway...

Then we got together to compare our findings! We matched the animals, counted them, patterned with them and sorted them!

Shelvie working with our tweezers and penny game. They had to stack the pennies as high as they could before it fell. This was a great fine motor activitiy!

The Dentist and some soliders came from Fort Stewart to talk to us about healthy teeth! We did a dance and listened to a story

We had a guess reader come from the KIWANIS club, and they gave us all a Dora book to take home.

We were very well behaved!

Our reaction to our Volcano Experiment!

Us Popping the Pig on the Parachute!

Valentines Day Party!

Sorry it has taken me so long to put these pictures up! They had a great time at the party and exchanging cards with each other. Thank you guys so much for the participation!